Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Romagna

Cia Romagna promotes the cultural, moral, civil and economic growth of farmers and all those who work in the rural world

The Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori-Romagna (Italian Confederation of Farmers-Romagna) was founded on 14 December 2017, the date of its constitution that sealed the fusion between the CIA of the provinces of Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna, and Rimini.

CIA Romagna counts approximately six thousand associate companies, totalling over eighteen thousand members, and has a widespread presence throughout the region of Romagna with 35 offices distributed in the areas of Forlì, Cesena, Ravenna, and Rimini: the territory is the starting and arrival point of all the political activities and services. 106 full-time, permanent employees.

The Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori (CIA) is an autonomous, democratic, and independent association that affirms the centrality of individual and associated agricultural enterprise, promotes the cultural, moral, civil, and economic growth of farmers and all those who work in the rural environment. The operate in Italy, in Europe, and on an international level for the progress of agriculture and the defence of income and equal dignity of farmers in society. The association organises agricultural entrepreneurs and all those linked to farming activities through non-transitory relations.
It is also dedicated to affirming the values represented by agriculture, like honesty and moral integrity, free entrepreneurial initiatives, work, the rural environment, solidarity and cooperation, the development of the environment and the territory.

The CIA works for the unity of the organisations that represent Italian agriculture and for the research common to all economic and social sectors, and is committed to the harmonious growth of all of Italy, the political and economic integration of Europe, and the affirmation of economic democracy in the globalisation process, also affirming the universal value of peace, mutual respect and human rights.

The CIA fights to create in the company and in the economy equal opportunities between women and men, safeguard the elderly and their rights, promote the hiring of youth and the generational turnover in companies and in the territorial agricultural system.

The CIA is structured in trade associations, institutes, and companies that operate for food safety and conservation of the environment, in the field of social security, health care, fiscal and taxation policies, technical consultation, training, insurance, agritourism, organic agriculture, and the protection of the rights of the elderly, women, and youth.
The Confederation has representatives in leading international, communitarian, national, regional, and provincial bodies.

Founded in December of 1977 as the Confederazione Italiana Coltivatori, during its fifth congress (June of 1992), it modified its denomination into Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori to develop the modern role of the farmers and their business. 


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